Information to Start a Business
Pick a Name
Your first step is to come up with a name for your new business. Some things to consider are:Is the name available in Missouri? Run a search here.
This just shows if the name is taken in Missouri, if you have a reason to be concerned with trademarks, you need to consult a lawyer.
Does the name explain what you do or make it easy for people to find you?
Is this a name you will be happy with for a long time?
Is there a website and e-mail extension available that go with that name?
A great place to start your search is Go Daddy.
The Small Business Administration is a good primer, but it is strongly suggested you discuss your plans and the details of your business with an expert before making this important decision.
Form Your Entity
You have to create an account with the state of Missouri here:
Then once you are logged in, select “Business Entity Online Filing” on the left.Sole proprietors don’t have to do anything
Partnerships - talk to a lawyer about an operating agreement
Limited Liability Company
Get an EIN: Get an EIN here
Get a Certificate of Occupancy
Call Public Works at 417-237-7010.
They will come and look at your space to make sure everything is safe.
Even if you are renting a space and you aren’t doing any renovations, you still generally need this. Call them to make sure.
Obtain a Carthage Business License
To obtain a Carthage Business License you can choose to do one of the following:
Call 417-237-7000
Go in person to Carthage City Hall at 326 Grant Street Carthage MO, 64836.
This license costs:
$50 for up to $100,000 in gross sales
$100 for up to $300,000 in gross sales
$200 for up to $500,000 in gross sales
$400 for up to $1,000,000 in gross sales
They accept payment by cash, check, or credit card.
Apply for a Sales Tax License
If you are selling things that are subject to sales tax, you need to get a sales tax license.
Understand Rules About Signage
If you are going to have signs outside your business call Public Works and get it approved before you order anything.
Their phone number is 417-237-7010.
Apply for a Liquor License
City Liquor Sales Monday through Saturday Written and Signed Formal Request to sell liquor Monday through Saturday
City Liquor Sales for Sunday State (Sunday Sale) Liquor License
Get a license from the Health Department
If your business serves food, contact the Jasper County Health Department
Call 417-358-3111
Visit their office at 105 Lincoln Street Carthage MO, 64836
License Type & Fillable Application
Please feel free to contact the Business License Department regarding any questions you may have pertaining to Business Licenses.
City of Carthage
326 Grant Street
Carthage, MO 64836
Phone: 417-237-7000
Fax: 417-237-7002