The meeting will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers

The meeting will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers

The meeting will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers.

🚨 Public Works Meeting Canceled 🚨
This month’s Public Works Meeting has been canceled due to lack of business. We appreciate your understanding and will provide updates on the next scheduled meeting.

📢 City Council Meeting Alert! 📢

🚨 Service Update – Weather Delay 🚨
🚕 Taxi is out of service due to hazardous road conditions.
🚛 Republic will NOT be running any commercial or residential routes on Friday, Feb. 21st.
🗑️ Customers affected will be picked up on their next service day, taking all trash.
Please keep in mind that next week, routes may run late in most areas due to double trash pickup.
🙏 Thank you for your patience as we navigate this winter weather. Hopefully, this is the last of it! Stay safe! ❄️💙

2/20/25 UPDATE 4PM: Emergency Road Conditions Lifted
🚨 Emergency Road Conditions in Effect 🚨
Due to the inclement weather, the Carthage Police Department has initiated emergency road conditions. We urge all drivers to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.
⚠️ Drive only if it is essential
⚠️ Roads may be hazardous
⚠️ Stay safe and avoid unnecessary travel
Your safety is our priority—please take precautions and stay home if you can! ❄️🚗 #StaySafe #CarthagePD #WinterWeather

The TAXI service for the City of Carthage is closed today, Tuesday, February 18th.
Republic Services will not be running any routes today due to the inclement weather. With the amount of snow predicted, temperatures and timing of the winter storm it is not looking good for tomorrow either. If we get what has been forecasted, it appears they will not run tomorrow either. Hopefully, Thursday or Friday they can resume their normal schedule. For those missed this week, Republic Services will service on their next normal service day taking all extra. Please be safe and stay warm!

📢 Public Service Meeting Update 📢
To avoid any weather disruptions, we have rescheduled the Public Service Meeting for February 27th.

Updated Meeting Date: Change Due to President’s Day Holiday
#PublicSafety #CarthageMO

#CarthageMO #PresidentsDay

Tonight’s Meeting Postponed – New Date to Be Announced Soon

Notice: The Public Safety Committee meetings for January and February have been moved to the 4th Monday of each month.

Job Posting from the Carthage Public Library:

Notice: City Hall will be unable to take payments on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. This does NOT include court fines as court fines are in a separate system. This will include payments for business licenses, rummage sale permits, etc. We apologize for the inconvenience.

PUBLIC HEARING - A Public Hearing will be held at 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 27, 2024 in the City Hall, Council Chambers, 326 Grant Street Carthage, Missouri at which time Citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the City of Carthage.
Click Link to view details: https://5il.co/2t9ad

The City of Carthage will hold a public hearing on August 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. at City Hall located at 326 Grant Street to discuss the city's submission of an application for the fiscal year 2023-24 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The city is interested in obtaining all citizens' input on community development needs within the city.
As part of the hearing process, citizens will be asked to verbally assist in the completion of a Needs Assessment document. The document will detail what the residents feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the community. The city needs as much local participation as possible in order to reflect the true desires of the community as a whole, as well as the comments relating to the proposed project application. The State has established a maximum application request for each funding category.
Activities that are eligible for funding include the improvement of public works, public facilities, housing rehabilitation, and others allowed by law. At least 51% of the funds must be used to benefit low-and-moderate income persons. No displacement of persons will be proposed.
The city is proposing to replace approximately 5000’ of sidewalks in the downtown area, branching out from the square in the following areas: Two blocks to the north on Grant and Main Street; one block to the west to Lyon Street from 2nd Street to 5th Street; to the East one block from 2nd to 5th Streets; one block to the South on Grant and Main Streets. Lyon Street will have new sidewalks on the East side of the road from 2nd to 5th Street; Howard Street will have new sidewalks on the West side of the road from 2nd to 5th Streets. The square itself will be receiving new sidewalks as part of an existing project.
The total project cost is estimated at $937,500. The city proposes to contribute $187,500 in cash, with grant funds of $750,000 needed to make up the balance. The project, if funded, will benefit 77.38% low/moderate income persons. All citizens, including those in the targeted area, are encouraged to attend in order to comment on the proposed activities.
For more information on the proposed project, contact Jeff Meredith at 417-237-7358 or jeff@choosecarthage.com. If you need special accommodations for the public hearing, including LEP assistance, please contact Jeff Meredith by August 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at an accessible location and the city will make every effort possible to provide reasonable accommodations.

The City of Carthage will hold a Public Hearing for approval of the City of Carthage budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:30 pm during the City Council meeting. For questions, contact City Clerk Miranda Deal (417) 237-7000.
Miranda Deal
City Clerk
City of Carthage, Missouri

The City of Carthage was awarded Community Forestry Cost-share from the Missouri Department of Conservation. The Community Forestry Cost-share assisted the City of Carthage in updating an existing tree inventory of trees in City Parks which includes having trees assessed for risk in City Parks. The city contractors have updated inventory and tree assessments in City Parks. The updated information will be used to make decisions about the care of the trees that benefit the Citizens of Carthage.